Weather and Weather Station
Farmersville Elementary
School, Academic Year 2013-2014
Grade 2 |
Dr. DeLeo came into our school to describe the weather station that was on the roof of our school. The weather station is wireless. This means that the weather readings are sent by radio waves (without wires) right to display units in our classrooms. So, after Dr. DeLeo sets up the weather station display units in our classrooms, we will be able to see the outside temperature, wind speed, and so forth from right in our classrooms!
Weather is one of the science units we are studying this year. Before the end of the year, we will know a real lot about the weather. The weather station has instruments that measure temperature, wind direction, wind speed, rainfall, barometric pressure, and relative humidity. We already knew about many of these. A photo from the roof of our school showing part of the weather station and our playground is shown on the right.
Dr. DeLeo showed us how the sensors on the weather station will send the weather information to the receivers in our classrooms. The photo on the left shows one of the weather receivers. Notice the antenna that receives the weather information sent from the weather station by radio waves. The photos below show us learning about it when Dr. DeLeo came to visit.
Although the weather station was already on the roof from an earlier year, Dr. DeLeo and a Lehigh University student, Ms. Brittany Richman, had to go on the roof to service it and make sure it was working properly. It is held down by three concrete blocks, so it would take winds stronger than a hurricane to move it. |
The photo on the right shows labels for the parts of the weather station. You can even see the antennas sticking out of the solar cells. The solar cells provide most of the power by turning sunlight into electricity. Batteries run the sensors when it is dark or very cloudy.
Below are six photos showing the weather station as seen from the ground. The view gets closer and closer as you go from left to right in the first row and then in the second row. The weather station is in the center of each picture. |
A funny thing happened when Dr. DeLeo and Ms. Richman were on the roof. Ms. Richman found a toy football. She threw it down to us, and one of us caught it. Check out the sequence of photos to the right and below. (View them as though you were reading, left to right, top to bottom.) |
COMING SOON!! We interviewed Dr. DeLeo when he was setting up the weather station on the roof. A video of that interview is coming soon. Stay Tuned!! |
Our teachers are helping us to record the weather as part of our science unit on weather. Science is great! |
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