Electricity, Magnetism, Circuits, and Motors
Farmersville Elementary
School, Academic Year 2009-2010
Grade 3 |
In this program, we first learned
that electricity is a stream of electrons flowing through
the metal in a wire. In most electrical wires, the metal
is copper, and it is covered by an insulating plastic.
Electrons are a part of the atoms that make up the metal.
When the atoms come together to form a metal, the electrons
come loose and move freely. A battery creates a force
on the electrons that makes them move, and this is an
electrical current, or electricity.
The picture on the left
below shows a real electrical wire, like the kind in the walls
of a house. The black part is the plastic insulation,
and the copper colored part, where the insulation was
removed, is the copper metal that carries the electrons
- the electricity. The drawing on the right shows how
the electrons come loose from the atoms that make up the
metal and flow through the wire.
We learned how to make electrical
circuits. The electricity flows from a battery into
a switch. And not just a toy switch, but a real switch
from a real hardware store, just like in our house!
From the switch, the wire went to a light bulb, and
then back to the battery. This is a complete circuit
- starting and ending at the battery. We were given
electrical wiring diagrams to follow. Here we are carefully
examining the wiring diagrams.
Here are the wiring diagrams we followed. From left to right, we have a “simple” circuit, a “series” circuit, and a “parallel” circuit.
We began with the simple circuit, and Dr. DeLeo showed us how to follow the wires as we started and ended at the battery. He had us trace the path with our fingers that started at one end of the battery and ended at the other end of the battery. Along the way, we went through the switch and then through the light bulb. Of course we knew that the purpose of the switch was to turn the light on or off, by either letting the electricity go through or stopping it. Dr. DeLeo made us sing "do..dodo..do.dodo..“ as we traced the path. We didn’t really know what the “do..do’s” were about, but it was funny. To see a video of fingers tracing the path, click the play button on the picture on the left.
Finally, we began to construct our circuits. We connected wires to other wires using “wire nuts.” First you place the bare ends of two wires next to each other. Then you place the wire nut over both of them, like a hat. Finally, you twist the wire nut to tighten it. Rightsy-tightsy, lefty-loosey. Not only does the wire nut keep the wires from coming apart, it also holds them so tightly together that electricity can flow from one to the other.
We used a screw driver to connect wires to the real switches, just like we were grown-ups. |
Here are pictures of us putting our circuits together. We look very professional, don't we? And cooperative. Have you ever seen people who worked so well together? |
And, it worked!! After we wired the simple circuit, we made more complicated circuits using two switches, the series and parallel circuits. Don’t we look happy?
Dr. DeLeo said that series and parallel circuits were like computers since they could make decisions. The series arrangement of switches is called an “AND” gate because the light only lights up if switch 1 AND switch 2 are on. The parallel arrangement of switches is called an “OR” gate because the light lights up if switch 1 OR switch 2 is on. This idea is the basis for computers, digital watches, video games, and many of the electrical devices we use every day.
Dr. DeLeo asked one of us to take pictures of him while he described the difference in the series and parallel circuits. She did a wonderful job of taking pictures with Dr. DeLeo's camera. She didn't drop it or anything. |
Dr. DeLeo brought in a make believe wall so we could see what the wires look like in the walls of our house. The wires in the make-believe wall get their electricity from a battery, so it was safe to touch it. BUT!! .. Dr. DeLeo told us that we should never touch the wires in a real wall since that would be very, very dangerous! The wires in the walls of our house use high voltage. The make believe wall had a switch that turned on a light, and a button that made a door bell ring. We had fun making noise with the door bell. We got to ring the door bell every time we got one of our circuits to work. To see a video of us ringing the bell, click the play button on the picture on the left.
We learned that electricity and magnetism are related to each other. Magnetism can be used to make electricity, as in a generator. Electricity can be used to make magnetism, as in an electromagnet. An electric motor works by turning a coil of wire into an electromagnet. This electromagnet is pushed by regular (“permanent”) magnets, and that’s what makes the motor turn.
Dr. DeLeo prepared a coil of wire for each of us to use in building an electric motor. In addition to the coil of wire, we each got a pair of specially bent paperclips (to support the coil of wire and bring electricity to it), a rubber band to hold the paperclips to the battery, and two magnets. We didn’t know it at the time, but Dr. DeLeo’s cat helped with the coils of wire! Dr. DeLeo showed us how to put the parts together to make our electric motors
After listening closely to Dr. DeLeo’s instructions, we put together the parts to make an electric motor that worked! And, we got to keep them and take them home. We were also given a magnetic field viewer that lets us see the magnetic force around a magnet. They are so cool!
Here are pictures of us with our electric motors! |
If you click the play button on the picture on the right, you will see a video of us with our electric motors.
We had a wonderful time! And, we were glad to have had help from a Lehigh college student and from two special visitors from the DaVinci Science Center! |
I hope you have enjoyed this web presentation as much as we enjoyed sharing the actual learning experience with your son or daughter. Although we have endeavored to exclude photographs where permission has been denied, it is possible for errors to occur. If you would like us to remove a photograph of your son or daughter for any reason, please send me an e-mail message at lgd0@lehigh.edu or call me at 610-758-3413, and we will remove it promptly. Please note that we will never associate a child's full or last name with a photograph except in circumstances where special permission was explicitly provided. Thank you. Gary DeLeo. |