Weather and the Weather Station
Asa Packer Elementary
School, Academic Year 2010-2011
Grade 2 |
Dr. DeLeo came into our classrooms to describe the weather station that he was going to place on the roof of our school. He wanted us to see the weather station before he moved it to the roof. The weather station is wireless. This means that the weather readings are sent by radio waves (without wires) right to display units in our classrooms. So, after Dr. DeLeo places the weather station on the roof, we will be able to see the outside temperature, wind speed, and so forth from right in our classrooms! Dr. DeLeo began in Mrs. Adams's room, in a corner that looks like a rainforest with big leaves.
As you can see from the photos on the right, it was "tie" day at Asa Packer Elementary School. Our Principal, Mr. Horvath, visited our classroom with his trusty assistant! |
Weather is one of the science units we are studying this year. Before the end of the year, we will know a real lot about the weather. The weather station has instruments that measure, temperature, wind direction, wind speed, rainfall, and relative humidity. We already knew about many of these.
We had fun examining the weather station. The photos on the left show two of us looking into the rain gauge. A lot of water is going to fall into the rain gauge before the school year ends! |
Our teachers helped Dr. DeLeo with his prorgam. The photo below on the left shows Mrs. Madl helping us understand how the weather receivers work. Our intern teacher, Ms. Bukics, is shown below in the middle while Mrs. Tumolo, shown dressed for the cold weather below on the right, observes. Mrs. Madl and Ms. Bukics are both holding the weather receivers that will remain in our classrooms. |
Dr. DeLeo asked us to help him explain some of the weather instruments to the rest of the class. In fact, he wanted us to practice being teachers. To see us in action in a VIDEO, click the play button on the picture on the left.
The photos below show Dr. DeLeo installing the weather station on the roof of our school. It is held down by three concrete blocks, so it would take winds stronger than a hurricane to move it. It gets dark early in the winter, and it was nighttime when Dr. DeLeo finished. The streak in the sky that changes position in the two right most photos is a jet coming in for a landing at the airport. |
The white dot in the photo just to the right is the planet Jupiter! The photo on the far right indicates what each of the instruments measures. |
Here is a VIDEO showing the weather station on the roof. Just click the play button on the photo.
Starting below on the left, and moving right and then down, are four photos showing the weather station as seen from the ground. |
A close-up of one of the indoor weather receivers is shown just to the right. |
Dr. DeLeo was on the roof while one of the reporters from APTV interviewed him from the Control Center in Asa Packer Elementary School. The reporter asked Dr. DeLeo questions about the weather station. To see the VIDEO, click the play button on the photo on the left.
Our teachers are helping us to record the weather as part of our science unit on weather. As part of the program, we each got a weather placemat to keep. |
I hope you have enjoyed this web presentation as much as we enjoyed sharing the actual learning experience with your son or daughter. Although we have endeavored to exclude photographs where permission has been denied, it is possible for errors to occur. If you would like us to remove a photograph of your son or daughter for any reason, please send me an e-mail message at lgd0@lehigh.edu or call me at 610-758-3413, and we will remove it promptly. Please note that we will never associate a child's full or last name with a photograph except in circumstances where special permission was explicitly provided. Thank you. Gary DeLeo. |